Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
The thesis analyzes factors that hinder the communication of artists and the public and aims to conclude a way by which communication may be improved. It studies artists aiming to work in the public realm and their work. The other aspect focuses on the understanding of a public space which is a stage for artists and citizens to interact. As a result, an architectural intervention in a public space hosting artists will be designed; where they will collaborate, exhibit, communicate and produce work with the goal of promotion and intervention of arts in a public space. 
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center
Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center

Thesis Title: Art Hub as a Public Space

Name: Uneeb Ahmad

Program: Architecture 

Location: Pakistan

University: COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI)

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