Urban theory

Urban theory 3

Book Review: Walkable City by Jeff Speck

Jeff Speck’s “Walkable City” advocates for pedestrian-friendly urban areas, highlighting the benefits of walkability while noting its reliance on existing research and the need for more original studies.

Urban theory 5

Book Review: Learning from Las Vegas by Robert Venturi

This post reviews “Learning from Las Vegas,” highlighting its major elements and offering constructive criticism, encouraging readers to understand and question the book’s insights on contemporary urbanism and architecture.

Jan Gehl

Book Review: Cities for People by Jan Gehl

“Cities for People” by Jan Gehl advocates for human-centered urban design, emphasizing walkability, bikeability, and vibrant public spaces to create livable and sustainable cities.

Design by Nature

Book Review: Design with Nature by Ian McHarg

Ian L. McHarg’s 1969 book “Design with Nature” revolutionized urban design, ecology, and environmental research, introducing overlays for sustainable, resilient communities, in the face of climate change today.

Urban theory 11

Book review: Anthropology of the City

A comprehensive review of the Anthropology of the city by Edwin Eames and Judith Granich Goode, summarizing the book and emphasizing the importance and implications Urban Anthropology in Urban studies

UDL Illustrator


Visualizing Urban and Architecture Diagrams

Session Dates

12th-13th Oct 2024

Thesis Report Writing for Architecture and Urban Studies

Thesis Report Writing for Architecture and Urban Studies

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