Smriti Premsagar

About the Author

An Urbanist, Researcher and Architect, She wants to use her expertise to make changes to urban communities and mitigate climate change through sustainable urban planning, research and innovative solutions.

Author Details

Published Articles

Smriti Premsagar 127

Top Green, Innovative and Colorful Cities

Introduction A sustainable city addresses social, economic and environmental concerns. Their creation is led through the inclusion of eco-friendly programs and initiatives that create environmentally conscious, physical alternatives to city

Smriti Premsagar 131

Philosophy and Sustainable Urbanism

Introduction Humans are urban and social beings that structure spaces. Accordingly, space and urbanisation have fundamental relations with human thoughts that lead to philosophy (Qorbani, 2015). The first part of

Smriti Premsagar 133

Urban Gardening and Reducing Carbon Footprint

Introduction The growing population globally is one of the leading causes of the increasing demand for resources. The rise in the population of cities indicates that by 2050, 70 per

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