Urbanism, , landscape, urban transformation, Public space, sports center

The Fontanar del Río Zonal Park located in the town of Suba, promotes balance and territorial equity by increasing the offer of active and passive recreation of the city, avoids environmental degradation, supporting equipment provisioning programs and comprehensive improvement, and favours the identity, appropriation and participation of the population in a common territory.

Creating a sports scene in the Fontanar park is the opportunity to consolidate the relationships between the city, the recreational-sports park and the wetland as a natural system. It is then proposed with this line of integration to create urban, environmental, and spatial strategies so that the park and the city are woven through this new sports center.

Urban Operations: Urban development clearly raises the consolidation of the urban corner of the sports equipment lot, that is, an urban area towards the neighbourhood, allowing the creation of a tension between the access of the main park as a system of connectivity of public space extended in the sports areas on a higher level of the project. In addition, a new access to the building is created, which stresses a proposed urban-environmental axis and directly integrates the city, sports equipment with the Fontanar Park and finally with the most important natural system of the place, the wetland ‘La conejera’.


1.     Create urban areas, give citizen and urban activities on the first floor.

2.     Articulate the urban, existing and proposed axes. (the park’s access plaza, and the proposed urban corridor that connects the city with the park, and the wetland).

3.     The building as an urban – environmental connector.

4.     The park’s sports program extends to the roof of the building.

Organizer: Public competition for the architectural preliminary project for the design of a sports, recreational and cultural center in the Fontanar del Río Bogotá Park

Team members: David Mesa
Pablo Yepes
Laura Ossa
Valentina Hincapié
Melissa Hincapié
Sebastián González
David Castañeda

Client: District Institute of Recreation and Sport, Mayor’s Office of Bogotá

Program: Recreational and Sports Equipment

Location: Bogota, Cundinamarca

Year: 2017

Recognition: First Place


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