Seoul Design Award 2023

Competition Information and Important Details

NameSeoul Design Award 2023
OrganiserSeoul Design Foundation
Submission DeadlineMay 30, 2023
ThemeDesigns for sustainable daily life that aim for harmony between people, society and the environment.
LocationSeoul, Korea
CategoryDesign Award
Registration Fees



In order to face rapid changes and to improve the adaptability of public spaces, cities have been using tactical urbanism as a tool to become increasingly more dynamic and flexible. From a design point of view, architects and urban planners are experimenting with tactical techniques as short-term and low-cost actions for long term and effective results.

This innovative approach can be adopted as an alternative and creative regeneration method that aims at improving the quality of public spaces by considering the community needs, adapting to site-specific conditions and strengthening cultural identity.

Tactical projects may vary in scale and location: they can involve a sidewalk, a whole street, an empty plot, a bridge and many other areas. These type of interventions can be highly communicative, adaptable and reversible.


Projects that have been realized within 5 years, and all designs can participate. (Product, visual, digital/multimedia, space/system, service/experience/social, etc.)

Important dates

Submission period – March 14 (Tue) to June 28 (Wed)

Review period – July to September

Award Ceremony – October to November

Registration Details

For more details, visit >

Competition Jury

International Panel



1st place Grand Prize 1 team, KRW 50 million
2nd place Best of the Best 3 teams, KRW 15 million each

“Creativity/Innovation” Prize
“Participation/Cooperation” Prize

“Inspiration/Impact” Prize

3rd place Honorable Mention (Excellence Prize) 7 teams, KRW 5 million each

4th place Finalist 10 teams

Special Prizes 4 teams, KRW 5 million each
– Citizen’s Prize (1 Domestic, 1 overseas) : 2 teams total
– Research Prize : 1 team *Area2(Research) only

– Issue of the Year Prize (Digital) : 1 team


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