3rd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (SMUS Conference)

Event Information and Important Details

Name3rd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (SMUS Conference)
OrganiserIIT Roorkee (India)
Core Themes

Conference Sessions:
1. Co-Production (of Knowledge) as Pathway to Decolonization of Knowledge in the Global South
2. Decolonizing Social Science Methodology
3. Fieldwork in the Global South – Shedding Light into the Black Box
4. Assessing the Quality of Survey Data
5. Comparing Social Survey Data Collected During a Global Crisis? The Uncertainty of Comparative Research
6. Culturally Sensitive Approaches – Potential New Directions of Empirical Research
7. Application of Quantitative Techniques in Spatial Analysis
8. Ethnography as Spatial-Temporal Method
9. Ethnographic Methods: Constructing Public Space
10. Visualizing Urban Nature: Ethnographic Approaches and Explorations
11. Multimodal Data Integration for Spatial Research
12. How Modality Matters? Learning from the Multiplicity of (Non-)Digital Discourse Analytical Approaches
13. Discourse Analysis, Historical Analysis and Biographical Research: Multi-Method Approaches in Interpretive Empirical Research
14. The Individual and the City: Urban Life Stories
15. Measuring Change in Urban Space(s)
16. The Longue Durée in the 21st-Century Social Sciences: Methodological Challenges of Analyzing Long-Term Social Processes
17. Design Methods for Accessibility and Social Inclusion
18. Applying Spatial Methods in Homelessness Studies: Methodological and Ethical Challenges
19. Analysing Hidden Forms of Violence and their Spatialities: The Methodological Challenges of the Research on Intimate Partner Violence and Sexualized Violence
20. Spatial Methods in Healthcare Research
21. Methods of Transnational Organisational and Economic Research
22. Methods for Studying the Spatial Dimension of Global Digital Infrastructures
23. Digitalization, Political Participation and Transformation in the Global South
24. Cross-Cultural Research Methods in Community-Oriented Approaches in Human Behavior
25. Spatial Methods in Transdisciplinarity for Urban Sustainability
26. Methodological Overlaps, Misunderstandings and Conflicts between Spatial Planning and Social Sciences

Event Dates20230220
Registration Fees

Please refer to the conference website.


The “Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability” (GCSMUS or SMUS) together with the Research Committee on “Logic and Methodology in Sociology” (RC33) of the “International Sociology Association” (ISA) and the Research Network “Quantitative Methods” (RN21) of the European Sociology Association” (ESA) will organize a 3rd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (“SMUS Conference”), which will simultaneously be the “3rd RC33 Regional Conference Asia: India”, and take place on site at the Indian Institute for Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee, India) from Monday, February 20th, to Sunday, February 26th, 2023. The six-day conference aims at continuing a global dialogue on methods and should attract methodologists from all over the world and all social and spatial sciences (e. g. anthropology, area studies, architecture, communication studies, computational sciences, digital humanities, educational sciences, geography, historical sciences, humanities, landscape planning, philosophy, psychology, sociology, urban design, urban planning, traffic planning and environmental planning). The conference programme will include keynotes, sessions and advanced methodological training courses. With this intention, we invite scholars of all social and spatial sciences and other scholars who are interested in methodological discussions to suggest an abstract to any sessions of the conference. All papers have to address a methodological problem.

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