In a participation process set up together with experts and experts from the administration, citizens are invited to contribute their suggestions for the future of Haunstetten. In several expert workshops, information events and planning workshops, creative ideas and solutions were developed on how the preliminary “Haunstetten Südwest planning area” can be designed.
The results formed the basis for the two-stage urban planning and open space planning competition, which will be decided at the end of January 2020. The city informed about the results of the first stage of the competition and the current planning status from 13 to 17 July 2019 as part of a participation week. Here, too, citizens were invited to give the planning teams their feedback and suggestions for further processing.

Organizer: Urban Planning Office, Rathausplatz
Team Members: Albert Wimmer, Vienna + KnollConsult Umweltplanung, Vienna + Rosinak und Partner, Vienna
Program: Urban Planning
Site Area: 200-hectares
Year: 2020
Recognition: 1st Prize