Centres Project Design Manager | IKEA, India

Job Fields and Important Details

PositionCentres Project Design Manager
OrganisationCentres Project Design Manager
No of Vacancies01
Project NameN/A
Skills and Qualifications

• Design Management – How to set up, organize and manage teams – both internally within Ingka Centres as well as within consultant teams.
• Design Process management – How to structure all design related phases.
• Urban Planning & Development - How to work with public administrations, to optimize land usage in terms of technical and authority aspects of infrastructure, protection and use of environment, planning and permissions.
• Engineering Principles - Knowledge of the basic mathematical methods to practical purposes of design, analysis and/or operation of structures machines and systems.
• Construction Management - Knowledge of how to initiate, plan, organize, execute, and manage the construction of INGKA properties according to the latest INGKA standards.

Experience•Minimum 15 years full cycle experience with Shopping centre developments and/or management with an international real estate investor/developer. • Minimum 10 years of Experience in developing large retail-led mixed-use projects, with a thorough understanding of design process and design management. •Minimum 5 years in management position of having led design teams, with proven leadership skills and track record. •Work experience with International Architects and consultants (Developer and design firms a plus). •Experience and knowledge of all building design stages, including construction and handover.
SalaryAs per industry standards

Organisation Details

Ingka Centers is in the middle of an exciting journey, where we create and develop meeting places into something way beyond ordinary shopping centers. As a Centre Projects Design Manager, you have an important function in this journey by securing the right and most relevant retail partners in our meeting places in Gurgaon. We give you the opportunity to be a part of a journey where we are taking an important step forward in development to create innovative solutions for the meeting place of tomorrow.

Job Description

•Provide advice on the recruitment requirements at for the design team, both internally and externally, to secure that the design function is correctly represented at each of the design stages by identifying the necessary professional competences and expertise required within them.
• Collaborate with the Customer & Digital Domain to understand community, market proposition and customer needs in the local area to ensure the appropriate design approach is applied accordingly.
• Ensure the Meeting place concept is appropriately translated into all Architectural, ID and Landscape packages in a way that the narrative of the project reads as one story.
• Ensure standardized documentation relating to Design process and Design management is implemented by the project team clusters to achieve maximum efficiency during all design stages.
• Review the design at key milestone points with the support of the ‘Design knowledge bank’ in order to provide the necessary direction to the Design Manager within the project cluster.
• Be responsible for keeping track of key findings for best practice on design-related topics by way of ‘Lessons learned in order to share with Design managers and project design managers within Expansion and Development, other domains within Ingka Centres and Ingka group.
• Ensure all integration aspects between IKEA and Ingka Centres are considered and maximized while delivering a design solution for the assigned project or projects.
• Manage and maintain positive relationships with regional and local city authorities, planners, and establish relations and network with key industry partners.
• Work closely with vendors to ensure the design meets the Meeting Place vision.
• Overview the initial commercial viability of new development projects in the feasibility or market research stages.


How to Apply

Applications are made through the link below. If you have any questions about this position and the recruitment process, you are welcome to reach out to recruiter suraj.chowrasia@ingka.com We encourage you to apply as soon as possible, though no later than the 25th of Feb 2022. We’re reviewing applications continuously and might close the ad before the closing date if we find the right candidate.

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