Faculty Recruitment | National Institute of Technology Calicut

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Job Fields and Important Details

PositionProfessor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor
OrganisationNational Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC)
No of Vacancies02
Project NameN/A
Skills and Qualifications


Experience(Architecture and Planning) Ph.D./M. Arch./Master of Town Planning after a full-time B. Arch degree with first-class both at UG and PG Level (60% or 6.5/10 CGPA). Civil / Engineering) Ph.D./M. Tech, in Structural Engineering after a full-time B. Tech in Civil Engineering degree with first class both at UG and PG Level (60% or 6.5/10 CGPA).
SalaryAs per industry standards

Organisation Details

National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC) is located about 22 kilometers north-east of Calicut City. National Institute of Technology Calicut is a Technical Institution of national importance set up by an Act of parliament(Act 29 of 2007) namely, the National Institute of technology Act 2007, which received the assent of the President of India on 5th June,2007. The provision of the Act have come into force with effect from 15th August,2007 as per Notification S.O.1384(E) dated 9th August, 2007 of the MHRD(Dept. of Higher Education),New Delhi. As per the provision of the said Act, this Institution runs on non profitable basis.

Job Description

Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor


How to Apply

How to apply: 1. Visit the official website of the institute http://www.nitc.ac.in 2. Click on the “Recruitment Portal” link given in the advertisement for faculty positions. 3. Register with your E-mail Id and mobile number. You can set your own password. An E-mail will be sent to your registered E-mail Id for verification. Once you click the verification link, the login will be activated. 4. Candidate can login with the registered E-mail Id and the password created to complete the submission of application and data sheet. 5. Please click and read the ‘Instructions to apply’ given in the portal carefully. Follow the instructions as you go on filling the application form and data sheet. 6. Candidate has to fill up the Application online form including the Data sheet and submit. Before submission, the candidate can use the ‘Preview’ button to check the filled Application. After submission, further changes in the Application will not be permitted.

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