Researcher | RMIT University, London

Job Fields and Important Details

OrganisationRMIT University, London
CountryUnited Kingdom
No of Vacancies01
Project NameMaking Cities: Centres & Edges – MSCA COFUND – REDI Program
Skills and Qualifications

Candidates will be expected to have a design background with a minimum of two years relevant professional experience within the built environment post-master’s, preferably in public works, urban design or architectural practice. 5th Studio actively encourage qualified applicants who are Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, disabled, women and LGBTQIA+, as these groups are under-represented throughout the built environment professions.

ExperienceA minimum of two years of experience
SalaryAs per industry standards

Organisation Details

RMIT University

Job Description

REDI is looking for one researcher (with less than four years’ of research experience and not yet in the possession of a doctoral degree), who will work with both at the 5th Studio (England) and RMIT University (Australia) on one of three research projects:

Project 1: Ecological Urbanism – Research through design at the very large scale, addressing the challenges of climate change in the city. Deep contexts, ecologies – methodologies for documenting evolution of land uses and existing conditions. Estate retrofit. Conceptions of the 15-minute city, circular economy, social equity. Approaches to adaptive re-use, retrofit, co-production and community empowerment
Project 2: A new Hansa – Exploring intra-national interplays between contemporary resonances of the old Hanseatic League of countries/city states around the North Sea. Exploring energy production, common conditions and environments, climate change adaptation and resilience, post-Brexit conditions and sociologies. Drawing on and building networks of city governance and practitioners: Amsterdam, Hamburg, Malmo, Copenhagen, Oslo. Rural/urban relationships – landscape re-wilding and repair
Project 3: Urban Logistics – Exploring emerging thinking on logistics within the city, including food /just-in-time relationships, new markets, distribution of building materials, waste and the circular economy. Exploration of different modes including water, rail, new transport, Consolidation within cities; future of work. Emerging architectural hybrids that draw on co-location and intensification; new typologies and urban Impacts; social aspects. Economic and historical survey of precedents
Research supervisors for these projects include Prof. Tom Holbrook (5th Studio) and Prof. Martyn Hook (RMIT).


How to Apply

Applications are made through the link below.

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