Urban Design Thesis

UDL Thesis Publication 2023

Curating the best thesis Globally !

Urban design, public space, landscape urbanism, ecology, environment responsive design

Hybrid Thresholds | Saba Amini

The proposal envisions the threshold between the built urban fabric and the natural environment at the water’s edge. It focuses on the development of public

Urban design thesis, urbanism, Masterplan/Mobility, Architecture, Public space

Instagramable Transit | Amira Arisya

Thesis Title: Instagramable Transit Name: Amira Arisya Program: Landscape Architecture Location: Malasia University: International Islamic University

Architecture thesis, public park, urbanism, public space, , cultural center

Art Hub as a Public Space | Uneeb Ahmad

The thesis analyzes factors that hinder the communication of artists and the public and aims to conclude a way by which communication may be improved.

UDL Thesis Publication 2023

Curating the best thesis Globally !

UDL Photoshop


Deciphering the secrets of Urban Mapping and 3D Visualisation

Session Dates

29th-30th March 2025

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Thesis Report Writing for Architecture and Urban Studies

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