Once you enter the final year of your postgraduate study in urban design. Each student’s postgraduate architecture thesis project is a chance to demonstrate their creativity and ability. We’ve compiled a list of Best thesis topics for Urban Planning and design to assist you in choosing a topic for your research project. This section contains the best and most relevant topics related to urban design projects for your knowledge and understanding of new trends in urban design.
Urban design thesis topics list:
- Urban aesthetics and new trends in urban design
- Eco-friendly development.
- 3D Pedestrian Flow Modeling.
- Sensing, Monitoring, Modeling and Adapting the Urban Micro Climate.
- Deconstructing Eisenman: Cultural presemantic theory and social realism
- Modern and historical landscapes.
- Discourses of Futility: Expressionism in the works of Archigram.
- Sub dialectic desemanticism and constructivism in the works.
- Sub constructivism and De-objectivism: Crucifying the cross.
- Waste as a Resource – Urban Metabolism.
- 3D Indoor space analysis for way finding.
- The Urban Heat Island (UHI).
- Campus Project.
- The mobility of People.
- Optimal Cycling Infrastructure.
- Solar Energy Potential Calculation.
- New design methodologies.
- Preservation methods of architectural heritage.
- Urban property and regeneration.
- Building multicultural cities

Urban design and health.
Spatial changes in big cities.
Design of infrastructure as a reflection of public policy.
Coding the urban form
Designing density: increasing functionality through flexibility in family neighborhoods.
Resurgent Networks of cities.
Suburban Revisions.
Urban design in the wake of deindustrialization.
Urban Mobility: Transference and Public Transit.
The role of technology in changing how a city works.
Open exhibitions.
Modern Marketplace.
When is a design labeled as intrusive?
Is architecture about creativity or economy?
Should heights correspond with surrounding buildings?
Are there natural alternatives to lighting signage?
How to identify utility facilities in an eco-friendly manner.
Urban Street Design.

Vestiges of urban spirit Isfahan’s urban fabric through socio-spatial transformations.
Critical Soviet Design: Senezh studio and the utopian imagination in late socialism.
A marketing design approach to destination development.
Separations in Multi vocality: Reconfiguring Dialogue through Design.
Suburban Navigation Structural Coherence and Visual Appearance in Urban Design.
URBAN SEGREGATION AND URBAN FORM From residential segregation to segregation in public space.
Evolving Urban Culture in Transforming Cities Architectural and Urban Design in a Fluid Context.
Light Design: Outdoor Urban Public Places – Urban Lighting: Design and Technologies.
- Sustainable Economic Urban Fringe Plan for an Internationally Important Trade Center
- Planning Interventions to address industrial Disparity,
- Change in Agricultural Pattern And Impact On the cities
- Potential for Eco-Tourism Development.
- Spatial Transformation through Agriculture.
- Impact of Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises on Regional Development:

Port and Port City Development in an Economically Emerging Coastal Region.
- Integrated Rural Cluster Action Plan for Agricultural Development.
- Impact of mining on Regional Development.
- Transformation of Villages under Urban Influence.
- Water Resource Management in a Drought Prone regions.
- Selection and Strategies formulation for modal villages.
- Planning Implications of Highway Corridor on Levels of Development and Settlement Pattern.
- Impact of Religious Tourism in Regional Development.
- Role of Agro- based industries in Regional Development.
- Legality and Illegality in Urban Fringe Development.
- Fiscal Decentralisation and Millennium Development Goals.
- Uncommon Ground : Urban Form and Social Territory
- Data-Driven Approaches for Traffic State and Emission Estimation
- Nature-Based Solutions in Environmental Planning: Ecosystem-Based Adaptations, Green Infrastructures, and Ecosystem Services to Promote Diversity in Urban Landscapes.
- Short-term and Long-term Effects of New Light Rail Transit Service on Transit Ridership and Traffic Congestion at Two Geographical Levels
- Waste Management in the Global South: an Inquiry on the Patterns of Plastic and Waste Material Flows.
- The Impacts of the Bicycle Network on Bicycling Activity: a Longitudinal Multi-City Approach,

Impact of government policies and initiatives (most recent) on urban land use
Impact of urban sprawl on provision of public services
Implications of airport expansion on the surrounding areas
Assessing linkage between the parent city and satellite town
Planning for sustainable neighbourhood
Assessing the liveability in the residential areas of IT parks
Changes in building bye-laws and its implications on urban development
Planning implications of highway corridor on settlement pattern
Socio-economic impact assessment of metro rail
Impact of urban expansion on small towns
Role of International aid in urban poverty alleviation
Impact of urbanization on land use in the rural-urban fringe
Evolving a mechanism for public participation in urban planning and implementation
Role of urban local bodies (ULBs) in urban governance
Quality of life assessment in residential areas
- GIS modelling of Land Information System
- Urban Growth Modelling in GIS
- Urban Sprawl Pattern analysis using GIS
- Role of GIS in revenue improvement
- Municipal Information System using GIS in Property Tax Management
- Application of GIS for property tax Geo-Spatial Information System Based Model for Micro-Level
- Planning
- Integration of land records to GIS, a model for municipal application
- Application of GIS Technology in Watershed management
- Use of the Geo-Informatics in land suitability analysis for Industrial Development
- Integrated public transportation systems using GIS

Source: Fountain City (archi.ru)
Tourism Potentiality of pilgrim centres
Impact of Tourism on Rural Livelihood
Water tourism: An Exploration of the Role of Inland Water Transport in Tourism Development
Strategies for Heritage Tourism Development
Strategies for Ecotourism Development
Potential of Community based Ecotourism
Tourism Development Plan for Inter State Border Conflict areas
Spatiotemporal movement patterns of international tourists
Potential of Urban Wetlands for Ecotourism Development
Impact of Religious Tourism in Regional Development
Planning for tourism circuit
Impact of tourism on the development of Local Areas
Eco-Tourism development strategies for Coastal Town
Impact of Ecotourism on Local Community
Impact of tourism on district development
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Urban Design Lab
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