Category: Social Justice


The role of gender in urban mobility: women right’s to the city

In terms of urban mobility, women and men move around the city in different ways. And there are important differences in the displacements performed by men and women, such as the reason for the trip, the distance of the journey, the mode of transport, attributes of the built environment, accessibility,

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Turning Migrant Workers into Citizens in Urbanizing China

One of the root causes of inequity is urban and rural differentiation China is experiencing a massive migration to the cities, mostly due to the availability of jobs and better facilities. But the way the government administers citizenship also creates inequity and poverty. Since the founding of the People’s Republic

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Spatial Justice and the Right to the City

Right to the city The idea of the “right to the city” was first used in 1968 by philosopher and sociologist Henri Lefebvre. Both the concept and the phrase have been taken up by social movements and academics as a way to articulate and resist spatial inequalities in the capitalist

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Justice and Conservation – Insights from People, Plants and Justice: The Politics of Nature Conservation

THIS PUBLICATION IS essentially an attempt to articulate some of the insights, key themes, and unsettled questions linked to market-based conservation that are more fully explored in the book People Plants and Justice. The original publication was an exploration of the relationships between market-based schemes for nature conservation or “sustainable”

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Urban design, smart city, landscape, urbanism, urban landscape

Urbanism By Any Other Name

In our ongoing quest for improving cities, we have come up with all manner of tactics for “good” urbanism, some of which even have organizations attached to their guiding principle. In my career I’ve done my best to collect these approaches (so to speak) in an attempt to trace the

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