Pantin is a commune of the first crown of Paris, gateway to the territory of the Communauté d’Agglomération Est Ensemble, which brings together 9 communes of the East of Paris.
The City of Pantin is structured around major road infrastructure and the Ourcq Canal.
The Quatre-Chemins district is located on the border of Aubervilliers and Paris. It is separated from the centre of Pantin by railway rights-of-way.
The objective of the city of Pantin is to requalify the Diderot Park, aging and degraded located within a residential complex constituted by the heritage of the OGIF and France Habitation.

In the heart of this island and without visibility on the streets circulated, its landlocked position makes it confidential. Due to its low openings, it can be interpreted as a private garden of the large real estate complex that surrounds it. Thus the park has a rather limited area of attraction, despite the lack of green spaces nearby. .
The challenges of requalification will be to increase its influence and attractiveness by:
- strengthening its role as a Green Lung by offering a peaceful space in this dense urban environment, a real breath allowing you to practice outdoor activities.
- adapting equipment to the needs of the population,
- developing fun and outdoor activities promoting sports practice and meeting, in a mix of uses with quiet areas, play areas and flow zones
- revaluing its image
- reworking its inputs and access.
The eventually park will have an area of 2.1 ha.

Architects: The Landscape Company
Client: Town of Pantin
Program: Project management competition for the requalification of the Diderot Park in Pantin (93)
Status: Completed
Site Area: 1.5 Hectares
Project Year: 2015