Research Assistants | SPA Bhopal

Job Fields and Important Details

PositionCentre Assistant and Research Assistants
OrganisationCentre of Excellence in City Logistics Management, SPA Bhopal
No of VacanciesN/A
Project NameN/A
Skills and Qualifications

Postgraduate/undergraduate in urban transport/urban planning, proficiency in Office tools and GIS, experience in data collection and survey techniques, knowledge of local urban freight legislation and regulations.

ExperienceExperience in a similar field is preferred.
SalaryMinimum INR 2.0 lakhs for the contracted duration (negotiable)

Organisation Details

Centre of Excellence in City Logistics Management, SPA Bhopal Supported By: GIZ

Job Description

Conduct background research, develop executive program modules for ‘City Logistics Plan’, coordinate centre administration, undertake field visits, and engage with stakeholders.


How to Apply

Email application to by the closing date. Include a cover letter (1 page), CV (2 pages), a copy of any research work, and expected salary in a single PDF. Coordinators: Prof. Paulose N. K., Dr. Mayank Dubey

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