Urban Planner | YCSPL Gurugram, India

Job Fields and Important Details

PositionUrban Planner
OrganisationYashi Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
No of Vacancies01
Project NameN/A
Skills and Qualifications


Experience1 year+ of experience in consultancy firms, urban local bodies, or regional authority agencies. Master’s Degree in Urban Planning or related field. Proficiency and experience in GIS, preparing technical reports, plans, development control regulations, detailed project reports, and City Development Plans. Excellent knowledge and a keen interest in development policies will be a plus. Should have good communication and presentation skills.
SalaryAs per industry standards

Organisation Details

YCSPL is an ISO 9001:2018 certified corporate organization. YCSPL was incorporated in the year 2005 with its headquarter at Jaipur. The company offers multi- disciplinary technical services with the help of a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals in the field of Engineering Infrastructure Design, Drawing & Estimation, GIS Application based Regional/City Urban Planning, Architecture, Revenue and Digital Survey. Presently YCSPL is empaneled with various State Governments and providing its consultancy services in various sectors like Design of City Engineering Infrastructure for Sewerage, Water Supply, Drainage, Transport and Green Area Development. The company is providing high tech GIS application based Regional/City level master planning, Architectural Design cum planning for Residential, Commercial, Institutional, industrial and revenue sectors. The company is having State and National recognition in providing consultancy services for low cost housing. The company has its own in house survey team for conducting Digital Survey by using latest technology instruments of high grade accuracy.

Job Description

• To be involved in GIS application based development/ Master plan/ HFAPoA, Property tax survey, or any other planning project of development stage or, operation and maintenance stage.
• Digital mapping of imagery, in all respect from satellite /Drone UAV/ LiDAR or any other means on Arc GIS platform.
• Imparting regular Training and ensure growth and overall development of planners and trainees and other team members.
• Preparation of ‘PPT’, (should have good knowledge of power point and excel) all charts for any nature of project during tendering process, including Project Management, monitoring the Project, to ensure quality strictly on a regular basis.
• Maintain good coordination with Company Planners/Engineers working for the projects. To make them well versed with latest knowledge, software, policy guidelines, circulars, MoM, direction given by ULB officers and to appraise Management time to time for these matters.
• To Organize Weekly meeting regularly to share any queries received, regular data collection or permissions required for the project/s etc.
• To prepare ‘PPT’ for the projects during tendering process, including Project Management, monitoring the Project, to strictly ensure the quality of deliverables regularly without fail.
• To attend meetings and make ppt presentations on behalf of the company at any City, Cluster at any State.
• To prepare and finalize the project reports and to update the reports by adding all desired inputs for the work already completed.
• To keep yourself up-to-date with latest orders and inputs and to submit the project progress reports to concerned ULB’s or local Govt. agencies or any other organization after verifying the Quality of the reports.
• To guide and prepare action plan to collect secondary data information from concerned departments needed as per scope of the project.
• Must have good communication skills, in-depth of knowledge for relevant softwares, power point, MS Excel, GIS, AutoCAD, Photoshop, animation in ppt, etc. Need to participate in meetings and deliver presentations if and when required.
• Will be strictly responsible to maintain financial security based on policy related to instruments, accessories issued by the company for official use.
• Will be legally bound to maintain high standard of data-security irrespective of ownerships.
• To go through all relevant Government websites, Notifications and Circulars on regular basis to gain knowledge and analyze /implement it in the project immediately. Also update such information to the Team members and Management.
• To share completed weekly progress report,(completed as per checklist). Share it with upper Management with a copy to Head- HR for information and office records.


How to Apply

Applications are made through the link below.

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