Transport, Township Master¬plan, metro system, road network, pedestrian network

Jakarta MRT will be the first mass rapid transit rail system in the capital of Indonesia. SOM developed a master plan to leverage the city’s investment in this new transit system. The Jakarta Transit-Oriented Development Master Plan establishes the vision, principles, and framework to implement new infrastructure, public realm improvements, and mixed-use development.

In collaboration with PDW Architects, SOM developed plans for seven station areas on the North-South MRT line. At 23 kilometers long, the line connects Kampung Bandan in North Jakarta to Lebak Bulus in South Jakarta.

Transport, Township Master¬plan, metro system, road network, pedestrian network

The Dukuh Atas MRT station, located in Central Jakarta, is a key component of the new MRT system. It is part of a new transportation hub served by five modes of transit: mass rapid transit, light rail transit, bus rapid transit, Soekarno–Hatta Airport Railink, and commuter rail. Despite these strong transit links, Dukuh Atas is challenged by a lack of connections between stations. Poor pedestrian infrastructure and physical barriers created by Sudirman Road and the Ciliwung River also make the area difficult to navigate.

In response to these challenges, the master plan provides a comprehensive urban design strategy and guidelines to improve access and connectivity. Enhanced sidewalks and streetscapes, bridges, new civic open spaces, and fine-grained and permeable development all contribute to a better pedestrian experience. SOM’s urban design guidelines support the transformation of Dukuh Atas into a livable, economically diverse, and sustainable transit-oriented neighborhood.

MRT Jakarta Transit-Oriented Development Master Plan 2
Transport, Township Master¬plan, metro system, road network, pedestrian network


Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Program: Urban Design + Planning

Site Area: 119 hectares

Project Year: 2018

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