Ahmed Abdulrahman

About the Author

Ahmed Alsherbini is an Egyptian architect and urban researcher. He won several national and international architecture and urban design competitions. Currently, he is an M.Sc candidate in the IHS Urban Management and Development programme with a specialisation in Strategic Urban Planning and Policies. Ahmed focuses not only on urban mobility and heritage but also on place-making strategies and the people. Ahmed sees that people are the answer, especially the transactions between them. Everyone has the right to live a good life because that is what they have always believed in.

Author Details

Published Articles

Ahmed Abdulrahman 82

Philosophy and Sustainable Urbanism

Introduction Humans are urban and social beings that structure spaces. Accordingly, space and urbanisation have fundamental relations with human thoughts that lead to philosophy (Qorbani, 2015). The first part of

Ahmed Abdulrahman 86

An overview of Zen garden landscaping

Zen Garden Zen gardens, often known as Japanese rock gardens, are popular among those who enjoy highly regulated settings of raked sand or pebbles and properly manicured bushes.  Zen gardens

Ahmed Abdulrahman 88

Strategic Urban Design for Better Cities

Strategic Urban Design for Better Cities Cities! are the most complex of all human creations. We cannot understand a city using any single point of view. Therefore, to study a

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Decipher the secrets of

Urban Mapping and 3D Visualisation

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4th-5th May, 2024

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