Urban planning, landscape, riverfront, competition, urban design

The project for the requalification of the socio-environmental network of the biotic corridor of the Cali River in the section between Calle 26 and the mouth of the Cauca River understands and recognizes the structuring and landscape potentials for urban morphology as a new element of the construction of the urban imaginary. This hydrological basin is one of the seven main rivers of the municipality and is born in the Alto del Buey in the Farallones de Cali occupying around 11,920 hectares and its channel runs approx. 50 km in the west-northeast direction flowing into the Cauca River. Among its tributaries are the Pichindé, Florida, Cabuyal and Aguacatal rivers, the latter being the one that generates the greatest impact in environmental terms.


The two main socio-environmental problems facing this project are:

1. The constant loss of vegetation cover caused by human activity and informal human settlements that affect the sustainability and regeneration of water sources mainly in the sector from Calle 25 to the mouth of the river over Cauca.

2. Problems of environmental pollution by sewage that is served directly along the river, along with the mining affectation and the discharge of discharges from pig farms and housing that occurs from the sector of the aguacatal river that flows into the Cali River at the height of the Peñon and Normandy.


The proposed intervention seeks to guarantee the connectivity of the urban systems present in the territory, creating a new urban imaginary that is avocado towards the public and the environment.

The project proposes an urban-social-ecological system of criteria and interventions that allow the creation of the fabric of action that is intended; From the city to the river / from the river to the city. This intervention creates a system OF INTERVENTION STRIPS, which not only allows to create strategies of construction or action, but also allows to create a system of physical intervention according to the logical criteria of the river and its city.

Architects: Collective 720

Program: Landscape + Masterplanning

Location: Cali, Colombia


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