Urban Planner | Karres en Brands

Job Fields and Important Details

PositionUrban Planner
OrganisationKarres en Brands
CountryThe Netherlands (NL) and Germany (DE)
City Hilversum (NL) and Hamburg (DE)
No of VacanciesN/A
Project NameN/A
Skills and Qualifications

Education in the field of urban planning at higher professional or university level
Inspiring personality, curious, aware of recent developments in the field
Design and organizational talent
Ability to work independently on (international) projects
Strong communication skills
Good spatial insight and architectural thinking level
Good computer skills, including thorough knowledge of Autocad and Adobe, knowledge of Rhino is an advantage
Proactive and open working attitude, team player
Good command of the Dutch language (spoken and written), command of English or German is an advantage

Experience5 to 10 years of experience with projects at different scale levels, from vision to realization in a similar position
Salary Not specified (NA)

Organisation Details

Karres en Brands is an international design agency for landscape architecture, urban planning, and architecture with projects at various scale levels, from concept to implementation and from regional to detail.

Job Description

Manage a project team and work on various design assignments in the field of urban planning with an affinity for landscape architecture.


How to Apply

Send CV, motivation, and portfolio to redactie@karresenbrands.nl, attention to Paula Ortiz.

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