The Digital Resource Repository
UDL Digital Resources are an online repository that provides everything an architect or a designer would need for their design. Finding the right tools is a long process, made even more difficult when they need to be placed in the drawing and given the right effects and colours to blend in.
By offering helpful resources and materials, we want to improve the representation of architectural and urban design drawings, enrich our community with diverse resources and materials, simplifying the steps involved in presentation drawing workflow.
Become a Creator at UDL
Join us in creating the largest online collection of graphics, tools and knowledge for architects, planners and designers!
- Submit your digital resource
- Get recognized for your design
- You get paid every time someone buys your product
Steps involved in submitting your work
- Format your work using our Technical Guidelines and provided formatting files.
- Upload your edited files in Google Drive/ Dropbox folder.
- Fill out the submission form (separately for each collection)
- Once reviewed we will post them on our website if they meet our standards and graphic perception.
Formatting files and Technical Guidelines
We accept all kinds of digital resources that correspond to architecture and Urban Design drawings. Use the formatting files provided for each collection according to the formats below and adhere to the technical guidelines mentioned for each individual file to be submitted.
In order to display on website, only the original Illustrator file(.ai format) must be sent as per the guidelines mentioned below.
File Formatting
- Provide the name of the collection under “Provide the Name here”
- All figures must be organised on the first Artboard
- Please organise your figures inside the Rectangular Guidelines
- All figures must be on one layer (“Digital Resource”)
- Each figure should be clean and grouped.
- Please do not delete or modify any locked layer.
- Complete collection of the digital resource must be within the provided guidelines in Artboard 1.
- You must use Artboard 2, 3, and 4 to include larger figures (Zoomed View) of your work or any other related example to demonstrate how to use your collection in an architectural drawing or document.
- Please make sure there are no “transparent flying objects” – Use the shortcut CTRL + Y (or View > Outline) to find them.
In order to display on website, only the original Photoshop file(.psd format) must be sent as per the guidelines mentioned below.
File Formatting
- Provide the name of the collection under “Provide the Name here”
- Complete collection of the digital resource must be within the provided guidelines in Artboard 1.
- You must use Artboard 2, 3, and 4 (each downloaded individually) to include larger figures (Zoomed View) of your work or any other related example to demonstrate how to use your collection in an architectural drawing or document.
- Please organize your figures inside the Rectangular Guidelines
- All figures must be on one layer (“Digital Resource”)
- Please do not delete or modify any locked layer.
- Upload all the files in a single folder before sending the link.
In order to display on website, the original brush (.abr format) must be sent with the web display Photoshop file (.psd format) as per the guidelines mentioned below.
File Formatting
- Complete collection of the digital brushes must be within the single .abr file
- All the brushes should be made in monochrome colour (black).
- Each brush preset must be of high quality (300 dpi)
Web Display Formatting
- Provide the name of the collection under “Provide the Name here”
- Complete collection of the digital resource must be within the provided guidelines in Artboard 1.
- You must use Artboard 2, 3, and 4 to include larger figures (Zoomed View) of your work or any other related example to demonstrate how to use your collection in an architectural drawing or document.
- Please organize your figures inside the Rectangular Guidelines
- All figures must be on one layer (“Digital Resource”)
- Please do not delete or modify any locked layer.
- Upload all the files in a single folder before sending the link.
In order to display on website, the original AutoCad File (.dwg format) must be sent with the web display Photoshop file (.psd format) as per the guidelines mentioned below.
File Formatting
- All files must be saved in DWG 2004 format, with millimeters as the unit of measurement.
- All figures must be measured in millimeters and scaled correctly. The average height of a human scale should be 1700 mm.
- All figures must be on layer “Digital Resources”
- All figures Color, Lineweight and Lifestyle must be set to “By Layer”
- All figures must be organized as Blocks (not groups)
- All Blocks must have a reasonable Base Point (Set it manually per each block)
- There should be no double lines in any of the figures. Use the OVERKILL command to remove overlapping lines.
- No XREFs are allowed
- Purging all files is required. Please use the PURGE command to clean your file.
Web Display Formatting
- Provide the name of the collection under “Provide the Name here”
- Complete collection of the digital resource must be within the provided guidelines in Artboard 1.
- You must use Artboard 2, 3, and 4 to include larger figures (Zoomed View) of your work or any other related example to demonstrate how to use your collection in an architectural drawing or document.
- Please organize your figures inside the Rectangular Guidelines
- All figures must be on one layer (“Digital Resource”)
- Please do not delete or modify any locked layer.
- Upload all the files in a single folder before sending the link.
Selling Guidelines
- You can share your work for free or for profit.
- All Creators earn 60% of each product’s price only when sold.
- PayPal and Google Pay are the only modes of payment.
- At the end of each month, we send all creators a report with the downloads and purchase data.
- The transfer of the payment is made monthly to the provided PayPal account/ Google Pay number.
- Before proceeding, read the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.