Urban planning, Reselient city, sustainability, open space, landscape urbanism

The new Gartenfeld Berlin

The Spandau Garden Field is increasingly becoming the focus of Berlin’s urban development. The island location, distanced from the inner city districts, offers more than elsewhere the freedom to create experimental forms of urbanity. The vision of a “city in miniature” is also based on the idea of a high degree of self-sufficiency and resilience, while the close interlocking of settlement and green space is the potential for the development of a district of a new type.

Urban planning, Reselient city, sustainability, open space, landscape urbanism

Made in Garden Field

The development requires a clear profile that can be recognized at an early stage: food production in the city is gaining in importance, becoming part of a contemporary lifestyle. Where does the food come from? How is it produced? Is food produced CO2-neutrally and resource-conservingly with short transport routes? As a result, agricultural production in the city is gaining in importance, concepts of agrobussiness with locally created material and goods cycles come into play. They offer the classic production site gartenfeld the chance of a fundamental renewal.

Urban planning, Reselient city, sustainability, open space, landscape urbanism
The new Gartenfeld Berlin | Yellowz 3
Urban planning, Reselient city, sustainability, open space, landscape urbanism

Architects: Yellowz

Location: Berlin

Team Members: Mario Abel, Oliver Bormann,
Ane Crisan, Jens Schulze

Client: Jula GmbH
UTB Project Management

Program: Workshop procedure

Status: Completed

Site Area: 60 ha

Project Year: 2016

Collaborators: BGMR

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