About the Author

Tiffany Nicoli is a researcher and holds a Master’s in Architecture and Urban Planning at the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil. She is enthusiastic about active urban mobility and passionate about urban design. She feels that social exchanges inspire her to think about possible and more human cities. She enjoys walking and cycling and is always excited to study and discover new cities.

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Published Articles

Tiffany Nicoli 237

15 Best American Urban Documentaries you must watch

The five largest countries in America (territorial extension) are Canada, the United States, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico. These places are totally different from each other, diverse, culturally rich, and are

Tiffany Nicoli 243

15-Minute City: A vision for the future?

The unprecedented COVID-19 health crisis has exposed the cities’ fragilities and the need for urgent responses facing global urban shock. In this sense, it is possible to mention two key

Tiffany Nicoli 245

Temporary interventions of Urban Art

Urban Art and it’s Context Urban Art includes, and stems from Graffiti and Street Art, and is often used to summarize all visual art forms arising in urban areas. Street Art has been associated

UDL Photoshop


Decipher the secrets of

Urban Mapping and 3D Visualisation

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4th-5th May, 2024

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