Research Associate DAP | NIT Calicut

Job Fields and Important Details

PositionResearch Associate DAP
OrganisationNIT Calicut
No of Vacancies01
Project NameFramework for flood mapping and to prepare an early warning system in the occurrence of flood for the northern region of Kerala
Skills and Qualifications

Phd or M.Plan/M.Arch/M tech with three years of experience in Research/ teaching/ design & development with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.

ExperienceExperience in Geo spatial studies/ GIS
SalaryRs. 47,000/- (Rupees forty seven thousand only) per month (consolidated) + 16 % HRA (if applicable)

Organisation Details

National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC) is located about 22 kilometers north-east of Calicut City. National Institute of Technology Calicut is a Technical Institution of national importance set up by an Act of parliament(Act 29 of 2007) namely, the National Institute of technology Act 2007, which received the assent of the President of India on 5th June,2007. The provision of the Act have come into force with effect from 15th August,2007 as per Notification S.O.1384(E) dated 9th August, 2007 of the MHRD(Dept. of Higher Education),New Delhi. As per the provision of the said Act, this Institution runs on non profitable basis.

Job Description

Research Assistant (on contract basis) for a Research Project.


How to Apply

Eligible candidates may report on 18.07.2022 at 9.30 a.m. at the Department of Architecture and Planning, NIT Calicut, NIT Campus (P.O), Calicut 673 601, for a walk-in-interview, with originals of degree certificates & mark lists along with any other relevant documents (and one set of xerox). No travelling or any other allowances is admissible for attending the interview

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