Top 10 Transit – Oriented Development Case Studies
Explore best Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) case studies like Delhi, Curitiba, and Tokyo, while emphasizing key approaches, drawbacks with innovative solutions for better and sustainable urban development.

Mobility crisis in cities around the world
Sprawl and the transportation The Urban growth story of developing nations regarding high-scale urbanization has been documented widely. The spurt in the growth of the

Walkability in Asian Cities: The Case of Dhaka
Introduction to walkability It is unanimously agreed by all city lovers that walkability is what makes a city good by definition. This is the one

Defeating Automobile Dependency | Designing Cities for People
Introduction Human’s resource-intensive lifestyle has significantly contributed to air pollution and climate change since the industrial revolution by heat-trapping gases and adding more carbon dioxide

Tactical Urbanism: Antecedents and contemporary applications
Designing cities for people, not cars, is the motivation behind many Tactical Urbanism projects. And due to the main trends in urbanism in recent decades,

Shifting to a Walkable City: Six Steps to Walkability
The concept behind walking We can say without thinking too much, that cities were, over time, more designed for motorized transport than for pedestrians. And

The role of gender in urban mobility: women right’s to the city
In terms of urban mobility, women and men move around the city in different ways. And there are important differences in the displacements performed by

Modernist City Planning Ideals: A Roadmap to Decline?
The Modernist Movement The 20th century, with its conflicts, innovations, and paradigm shifts, gave rise to significant movements in the realms of philosophy, art, architecture,

15-Minute City: A vision for the future?
The unprecedented COVID-19 health crisis has exposed the cities’ fragilities and the need for urgent responses facing global urban shock. In this sense, it is