On the fringes of the agglomerated urban crown of Ile de France and benefiting from a quality of service (SNCF to Paris/ Gare Saint-Lazare, A15, and RD14), Herblay presents a largely preserved residential setting.
The municipality, convinced of the challenges of Sustainable Development, wishes to promote through new operations, urban planning and architecture at a high level of environmental, social and economic qualities in the spirit of the provisions expressed in Grenelle 2. The objective is therefore the realization of an eco-district.
The landscaping takes into consideration the scales of the district and the commune that connect the Bois des Naquettes and des Fontaines (to the east) to the Bois des Bayonnes and the Ceinture Verte (to the west). It translates into:
- the creation of a park penetrating the heart of the district: park space of natural and functional appearance (market gardening, biodiversity, forestry, water management), consisting of meadows, groves, family gardens and developed retention basins;
- the integration of landscape knots, wooded areas (organization of a green grid based on the plot, planted roads and private landscaping);
- the valorization of the views on the distant landscape (hillsides of the loops of the Seine).
The limitation of the urbanization area guarantees the Bayonnes sector a privileged location, since it belongs to a site that we know will remain, despite the future extensions of the city, at the interface of an urban and agricultural environment; the Green Belt of the Ile de France, inscribed in the Master Plan of the Ile de France Region bordering the site on the western limit, further increases this quality.
The combination of the desire to offer a new way of living (an eco-district) and the desire to enhance the natural qualities of the site makes it possible to imagine the creation of a real district in a park.
The composition therefore proceeds from an osmosis between urbanization and the natural environment. It excludes any opposition between the two circles.

Architects: The Landscape Company
Location: Herblay
Client: Commune of Herblay
Program: Pre-operational study for the development of the Bayonne’s ZAC
Status: Completed
Site Area: 70 Hectares
Project Year: 2010
Collaborators: Puzzler (urban planner mandatary), La Compagnie du Paysage, Setu (BET), ADSC, AEU (Environment), CDVia (BET), Philippe Bassetti (programmist)