International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development | IIT Kharagpur

Event Information and Important Details

NameSustainable Neighborhood Planning: Learnings from developing nations
OrganiserIIT Kharagpur
Core Themes

1. Housing affordability – driven livability
2. Accessibility and neighbourhood planning
3. Livable urban space: Role of infrastructure
4. Sustainable neighbourhood design
5. Green Infrastructure and active travel
6. Transit-oriented development
7. Public space networks: patterns of development and morphology

Event Dates20230420
Registration Fees



A Special issue on "Sustainable Neighborhood Planning: Learnings from developing nations" is being published by the journal "International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development". Urban Planning and Development schemes in India and other developing nations encompass affordable housing solutions, age-friendly living, child-friendly cities, revitalization of city cores through allocation and augmentation of basic infrastructure, pedestrian-oriented environments, transit-oriented development, micro-mobility schemes like bicycle sharing, electrification of public transport, and enhancement of no-car zones. The special issue is currently accepting Abstracts that address urbanization, urban design, urban planning, infrastructure planning, and development in emerging nations, particularly India, to improve livability and sustainability. Sharing successful case studies from developing countries like India in the special issue will be noteworthy. The leaflets provide further Special Issue and Manuscript submission information.

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