Urban Planner | Aga Khan Agency for Habitat

Job Fields and Important Details

PositionUrban Planner
OrganisationAga Khan Agency for Habitat
No of Vacancies01
Project NameN/A
Skills and Qualifications

Education: An advanced university degree in urban planning or built environment or architecture or in any relevant field

ExperienceExperience, Skills and Competencies: Min 10 years of practical experience on habitat planning, spatial planning, urban/town preferably for peri-urban or rural areas .
SalaryAs per industry standards

Organisation Details

The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat is seeking an expert Urban/Rural Planner to facilitate the process and develop Habitat Plans in Pakistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Syria and India. They would provide support to Habitat Planning teams in the development of village relocation and urban planning reviews and designs. In addition to experience in planning implementation, government engagement and Advanced GIS, the individual would have strong written and research skills and cultural affinity with the regions in which AKAH works.

Job Description

A new agency, the Aga Khan Agency for the Habitat (AKAH), works to ensure that people live in physical settings that are as safe as possible from the effects of natural disasters, that residents who do live in such high risk areas are able to cope with disasters in terms of preparedness and response, and that these settings provide access to social and financial services that lead to greater opportunities and a better quality of life. The new agency merges the activities of the Aga Khan Planning and Building Services, with its prize-winning water and sanitation programmes and low-cost habitat products, such as smoke-free stoves; the humanitarian arm of AKDN, FOCUS, which promotes disaster mitigation and resiliency and intervenes after disasters; the AKDN’s Disaster Risk Management Initiative, which focuses on disaster preparedness in remote areas; and the environment- and habitat-related activities of the Aga Khan Foundation, including the Prince Sadruddin Fund for the Environment and the Foundation’s highly regarded rural support programmes.


How to Apply

Applications are made through the link below.

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