Freiraum Mannheim 2030 | Yellowz
The competitiveness, sustainability and resilience of a city are also essentially measured by the supply of green and open spaces – and their qualities. With

San Marino 2030 | Stefano Boeri Architetti
In 2016 Stefano Boeri Architetti was commissioned by the Republic of San Marino to draft the new General Plan for territorial and urban development. Divided into three main phases – analysis,

Smart Forest City Cancun | Mexico
The Cancun Smart Forest City project presents the urban planning of a new Forest City in Mexico which covers 557 hectares and which will be capable of

Transformation of Eindhoven station | Eindhoven | KCAP
The Eindhoven station area plays a key role in the development of the city and strengthening its position as the heart of the high-tech manufacturing

Jurong Lake District | Singapore | KCAP
Detailed masterplan for a high-density mixed-use transit-oriented development The Jurong Lake District regional centre in west Singapore will be developed into Singapore’s 2nd Central Business

Urban Planning for Gottsunda | Kjellander Sjöberg
The municipality of Uppsala has initiated a planning process for a socially sustainable Gottsunda, based on community dialog and participation. The principal focus is put

ZAC des Bayonnes | Herblay | The Landscape Company
On the fringes of the agglomerated urban crown of Ile de France and benefiting from a quality of service (SNCF to Paris/ Gare Saint-Lazare, A15,